YW/YM Combined Activity Ideas

Physical Activities/ Sports 
Bike ride
Frisbee Golf
Hike - sunrise, testimony, camp prep
Hockey (broom, roller, etc.)
Miniature golf (make your own course)
Roller skating/ Ice skating

Life skills  
Budget dinner
Color dinner
Candy making, dessert contest, chocolate dipping
Basic auto maintenance (check oil, change a flat tire, fill windshield wiper fluid, etc)

Art Appreciation
Visit a local art museum or exhibit
Attend a local drama or musical event (school, church, community)
Write a book or play, make a movie

Social Skills and Interaction
BBQ, Bonfire, or Marshmallow/Hot dog roast
Board games
Breakfast social
Culture night w/ foreign foods and activities
Etiquette Dinner
Carnivals (Halloween, Christmas, summer, scripture, etc)
"Guess Who" - match baby pictures to people
Hollywood squares
Family Fued
Write letters to each other, missionaries, and/or military service men and women/ Send Missionary Packages
Make service baskets
Scavenger hunt / treasure hunt
Theme party (medieval, Hawaiian, movie-themed, etc)
Combine with Relief Society for their activity
Get-to-know you games
Local "Amazing Race"
"Fear Factor"
Dating Panel
"Clue" Live
Horse back riding
Water games

John 13:1-11 "Feet washing"
Carnival of Life

Field Trips/ Educational and Service opportunities 
Care Centers
Prison / Drug treatment facility
Bishops Store House/ Welfare Square
Temple Visitors Center / Temple Square
Local museums and visitors centers
Church History tours (temple square, fort settlements,)
Food bank
Homeless shelters for families and teens
Local Events (corn mazes, charity auctions and fundraisers)

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